Sunday, January 25

prescription coupons

One easy way to save your family money is to use prescription coupons. Doing this saves my family hundreds of dollars a year! I noticed 2 great coupons in my Sunday paper.

On the back of the CVS ad, there is a coupon good for a $25 gift card with a transferred prescription. This coupon expires on February 14th.

On the front of the Walgreens ad, there is also a coupon good for a $25 gift card with a transferred prescription. But, this coupon doesn't expire until April 26th, 2009!!!

After I get my kids to school tomorrow, the first place I am going is to Walgreens to pick up several more ads and then to CVS for a couple. These coupons are always good to have on hand, even if no one in your family uses prescriptions regularly. Sickness is everywhere during the winter! I always get more than I think I will need and offer them to friends.

You should know that even though the coupon states "transferred prescription," some pharmacies will honor them with refills and new prescriptions. All you have to do is ask! My Kroger pharmacy is very good about this. They will only allow 1 coupon per week/per family, so I space my refills out accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. hey have you checked out it seems to have a bunch of good stuff. also, my friend showed me another blog that had a WHOLE bunch of great coupon deals, etc. If you want the link, let me know and I can email it to you. i got like 8 lbs of boneless skinlees and 5 boxes of granola bars, rice krispies, and marshmellows for like 16 dollars the other day at randalls aka tom thumb. I felt pretty proud. Not julie cook proud, but good enough to feel like I got a good deal. i haven't seen any of thos perscription coupons must be a dfw thing only. how rude....thanksfully we haven't needed them since Zyrtec went over the counter....i am done now.
