Wednesday, August 29

Happy Birthday Noah!

Yummy, Texas Sheet Cake!
(sorry the picture is so dark)

We began our fun filled day at the movies. This is Noah and his best friend listening to some tunes before the show started. We went to Studio Movie Grill. It was so fun to eat lunch while watching the movie.
These two were in charge of decorating the wrapping paper. I realized I was all out of birthday paper, so we used brown packing paper and they decorated it. Very cute (the kids AND the paper)!
Presents galore! and Lleyton thought they were all for him.

(notice the new Pujols t-shirt from Aunt Jamie. He wore it all day and wanted to sleep in it that night!)
including these hard baseballs. Thankfully, they were confiscated before he threw them!

It was Noah's choice to eat dinner at Whataburger. Everything is absolutely HUGE there! No surprise that Noah got out of bed later to tell us his tummy was "swishy swashy!" All in all, it was a fun day.


  1. WAY too cute. Nice shirt!!! Love you guys....Aunt Jamie.

  2. YUMMY Texas Sheet cake.. I forgot all about that.. see I miss being so close and being able to enjoy all the yummy treats you make!! Happy Birthday Noah.. where has the time gone!!!!

  3. Looks like a GREAT bday!! I love the decorating the craft paper themselves... so CUTE. Happy bday!

  4. Happy Birthday Noah! It looks like you had a great day.
    Landon, Alex, Madi, and Ethan say hello.

    Uncle Patrick
